
versandkostenfrei ab 49.-
bis 29,99 Deutschland: 9,98
Österreich: 4,59
30.- bis 48,99 Deutschland: 4,99
Österreich: 2,29
EU versandkostenfrei ab 59.-
bis 29,99 13,98
30.- bis 58,99 6,99

Zahlungsmethoden (Payment):


    Kreditkarten (Credit Card) Visacard, Mastercard


    Vorkasse (Cash in advance)
                    Inhaber: Eva Jax
                    IBAN: AT38 1400 0062 1005 3261
                    BIC: BAWAATWWXXX

(Hereby we are  sending you a confirmative e-mail in answer to your order. You will be receiving the necessary information for sending your payment to our bank. After we have received the payment your order will be shipped immediately. The invoice will be sent to you by e-mail.)

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